XIV Escuela de Óptica Moderna
Martes |
Miércoles |
Jueves |
Viernes |
08:30 - 09.00 |
Registro |
09:00 -10:00 |
David J. Fernández |
David J. Fernández |
David J. Fernández |
Prof. Wise |
10:00 -11:00 |
Joseph Haus |
Joseph Haus |
Kosta Falaggis |
Surya Raghu |
11:00 -12:00 |
Francisco Soto Eguibar |
Surya Raghu |
Prof. Wise |
Victor Arrizón |
12:00 -13:00 |
David J. Fernández |
Kosta Falaggis |
Surya Raghu |
Sabino Chávez Cerda |
13:00 -16:00 |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Francisco Soto Eguibar |
Surya Raghu |
Prof. Wise |
17:00 -18:00 |
H.M. Moya Cessa |
Joseph Haus |
Joseph Haus |
Dr. David J. Fernández C CINVESTAV:
"Método de factorización, estados coherentes no-lineales y aplicaciones"
Prof. Joseph Haus University of Dayton
Lecture 1 Novel Optical Metamaterials
Lecture 2 Nonlinear Optics and Metamaterials
Lecture 3 How low can you go? Quantum Tunneling in Nanoplasmonic Materials
Prof. Frank W. Wise, Cornell University.
Ultrafast Lasers and Applications
Dr. Surya Raghu, Advanced Fluidics LLC Columbia, MD
Lecture 1 - very basic introduction to flow in microchannels - some physical features of such flows and properties of interest including examples of applications - I will not plan on using many equations! (1 hour)
Lecture 2 - introduction to opto-fluidics (1 hour)
Lecture 3 (about 2 hours) - I would like to propose an interactive session where students working as groups will be asked to come up with some new ideas combining optics and microfluidics
Dr. Kosta Falaggis. Warsaw Univ. of Technology (Poland).
"Single Beam Phase Microscopy: Conventional Solvers and Beyond
Dr. Hector Moya-Cessa
Analogías clásico-cuánticas: Arreglos de guías de onda SU(1,1) y del tipo Glauber-Fock
Dr. Francisco Soto Eguibar
Simulación clásica de sistemas cuánticos
Prof. Sabino Chavez-Cerda.
Remolinos Luminosos/Vórtices Ópticos
Dr. Victor Arrizón.
Titulo a ser anunciado.